**ADD-PXN-V1 - Addendum to the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)** This Addendum is an integral part of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) under which this software is licensed. By using, modifying, or distributing this software, you agree to the following additional terms: 1. **Source Code Availability:** Any distribution of the software, including modified versions, must include the complete corresponding source code. This includes all modifications made to the original source code. 2. **Free of Charge and Accessible:** The source code and any modifications to the source code must be made available to all with reasonable access to the internet, free of charge. No fees may be charged for access to the source code or for the distribution of the software, whether in its original or modified form. The source code must be accessible in a manner that allows users to easily obtain, view, and modify it. This can be achieved by providing a link to a publicly accessible repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab) or by including the source code directly with the distributed software. 3. **Documentation of Changes:** When distributing modified versions of the software, you must provide clear documentation of the changes made to the original source code. This documentation should be included with the source code, and should be easily accessible to users. 4. **No Additional Restrictions:** You may not impose any additional restrictions on the rights granted by the AGPL or this Addendum. All recipients of the software must have the same rights to use, modify, and distribute the software as granted under the AGPL and this Addendum. 5. **Acceptance of Terms:** By using, modifying, or distributing this software, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms of the AGPL and this Addendum. **End of Addendum**